Monday, May 31, 2021

D3 - Live Each Day


 I dedicate this blog in loving memory of Buffy Velasquez.   

2/15/68 - 5/30/21

Fly high my fellow falcon and watch over all you loved.  

I find myself tonight with a heavy heart. Earlier today I found out that a classmate of mine passed away at the age of 53 from complications that came on after she contracted COVID-19.  Her and her husband, also a classmate, have been married for 38 years.  They were an example to many of the ultimate love story.  Their dedication to each other and to their family spoke volumes.  When I read the post that William put up this morning what impacted me the most was when he talked about the fact that even during 2020, that they had spent an amazing year camping, boating, and spending time with good company. He said these were all the things she loved the most. 

Isn't that what it's really about? Spending time with people and making memories!  From the time we are born our days are numbered and it isn't for us to know how many they are.  Each day is a gift for us to cherish and do with as we choose. If we knew it was our last, would we choose to live that day differently? I believe we would.   I would like to believe we would make decisions to be loving and kind.  That we would appreciate the little things and that we would make sure that those who matter and have an impact on us knew how we feel about them.

With that being said and the fact that we never know when our time will come, isn't that reason enough to live each day secure in the fact that we have no regrets.  I challenge you to start each day remembering those things and those people that you're grateful for before you head into the business of life. Remember to always say I love you and to never let the sun go down with anger in your heart. Live each day as though it may be your last.  

Rest In Peace Buffy! Your spirit will live on with those whose lives you touched during your time here.  May you be an ANGEL around the throne in heaven tonight. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

D2 - Who's Mission Am I On?


I wasn't sure what today's entry would be about until completing a study that I am working on that centers around Matthew West's song Truth Be Told.  The lesson for the day focused around getting so caught up in being busy that we don't take the time to let God work on us. He recommended an Enneagram as a tool so I may need to look into that.   His plan spoke about being honest about ourselves and making sure that we are making choices that are leading us towards our mission in life as opposed to our shadow mission.  I was fascinated by the thought that both God and the enemy know what our shadow mission is but often we don't know. That without keeping God at the center of our life we could be presently living our shadow mission miles away from where God's calling us to be.   God never said life would be easy, he said that he works all things for the good of those who are called to HIS purpose.  And those times when we're not sure who we are or what our true mission in life is, God still has a purpose for us.  The enemy chooses to try to have us spend our days in darkness doing things that distract us from God's plan.  So what do we need to do?  We need to get honest with ourselves and let others be honest with us.   Let God do the work that needs to be done to make sure I stay on the road to the true Mission God has for me.

This devotional was very eye-opening for me because I had been focusing on the words of the song that talk about saying that I'm fine but I'm not I'm broken.  It was almost like an Anthem.  But today it focused on the words:  I don't know why it's so hard to admit it, when being honest is the only way to fix it. There's no failure, no fault, there's no sin you don't already know. So let the truth be told.  That's a complete 180 from how I was being inspired by the song.  

As I wrap up the entry, you may be wondering what exactly is she trying to say. I guess my take away from today is a challenge for you to take the time to be honest with yourself and to allow God to work in and through you to make sure you are working towards the mission which HE has called you.  I know for certain there's going to be lots of honest times for me as I navigate this journey called retirement.  I want to make sure that I'm walking according to HIS will and that I'm using my newfound time to do Kingdom work not Lisa work.  That is most definitely going to be a mindset change for me as I believe I've spent the better part of my adult life doing work for everyone else and was fortunate that along the way many times those two missions crossed.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

D1 - No Sleep Until Daybreak

 Can't Sleep! Did I Remember To?


Day 1 of retirement began with me waking up from a sound sleep with thoughts of what did I forget to do or write down before I left yesterday?  My mind was running in a million different directions as I thought of all the things that there was no way could be done on or before my last day.  Did I let somebody down by not getting something that was important to them done? The same old anxiety set in that I have grown accustomed to over the years.  In the past I would have gotten up and started making notes about things I needed to do when I went back into the office. This time, while I knew sleep would continue to elude me, when I got up I chose instead to practice breathing exercises and spend some time thinking how I could turn this experience into a useful blog entry.  

While I know I'm a perfectionist and take the things I'm responsible for very personally, I'm seeing a little more clearly the toll that takes on both the mind and body.   In retrospect I look back today and I wonder about all of the hours of lost sleep, the anxiety, and the many things that were missed out on or affected were worth it? It's always said that nobody on their deathbed ever says I wish I had spent more time at work!  It's also true that while we hope that the things we do in our employment have an impact, I think it's important to remember that none of us are expendable and we will be replaced rather quickly with someone new.  I say that not with malicious intent towards any employer as that's just the way business works.  Even so, finding that elusive balance where we are valuable employees and where we take care of our self and make our own welfare a priority is important.  And I will know that is easier said than done.

Tomorrow will dawn just like this morning and because I've stopped to literally and figuratively smell the flowers, I believe I will wake up with less concern about what I did not do and instead spending  a little bit of time appreciating what I did over my career with pride.  My employer will get along just fine without me, my replacement we'll figure it out just like I did, and my coworkers will continue doing the important work they do well each and every day in spite of my absence and in some cases maybe even better.  Change has a way of helping people to grow in ways they may never have imagined.

Here's to the beginning of great days in the future. 

Friday, May 28, 2021



19 years of working for our local Department of Human Services.
I've seen many employees come and go and experienced more IT upgrades , changes and roll outs then I can count.   I've made some great friends and those relationships will span time and distance.  Can't say that I'll miss the PTSD that comes with every time the paging system goes off wondering if it's going to be for me.  I've enjoyed helping others over the many years but I'm looking forward to taking care of myself and my family.  

BEAUTIFUL flowers from my husband to celebrate
me and our future adventures 

AMAZING  POOL necessities from my work
BFF Kris.  She's the absolute BEST!

TRAVEL GOODIE BASKET from my CORE co-workers 
(they even added cat treats)

ASSORTMENT of presents from coworkers
at retirement party.  That's a shrimp in the
Coffee Mug.

AWESOME beachy themed cake.  YUMMY!!!!


Thursday, May 27, 2021

What To Do When You Retire

I came across this list of the 25 Things To Do When You Retire.  There are many items on this list that do not appeal to me but many of these I would definitely like to entertain.
  • .   Um....well of course. 
  • .   Definitely on the agenda.
  • .   Before building a new home maybe but that's off the table now.
  • See above...not remodel but design.
  • .   We're kind of in the suburbs.
  • .   See above.
  • Right now that doesn't feel very appealing but in the future???
  • Definitely not interested in working a part-time job.
  • .   Teaching feels like a job right now
  • I will definitely be involved in voluntary activities especially at church
  • .   Been there done that not even remotely interested in again.
  • Making NEW friends for sure. 
  • Definitely traveling home often but also visiting other family.
  • Once again sounds to much like work. 
  • I'm a voracious reader so I'm continually learning.
  • See above ... Voracious reader.  I intend to read everyday!
  • Now this is something I fully intend to do, both fiction and nonfiction.
  • Clearly I took this one to Heart.  If you're reading this it's on a Blog.
  • Since we will be in South Florida learning Spanish maybe?
  • I'd love to keep singing but not sure about learning to play.
  • Something with my husband would be amazing.
  • Once my knee is fixed is love to try something new.
  • Planning to get in shape through a formal program.
  • I'm not really good at nothing but I'm going to try really hard.

Eve of My Last Day of Work

What does it look like to find yourself 57 years old and on the precipice of a life changing moment?

It's so many things from  Excitement to Apprehension.  However the most overriding feeling is that of peace that we are moving in a direction that has God's fingerprints all over it.   I'm eager to use this blog to document the Ups and Downs as we walk this journey.

D34 - On The Road to Retirement Day 1 of 4

After finishing up last minute tasks like cleaning up,  final trip to the bank,  the PD, and a stop for last minute hug from Kris, back home...