Wednesday, June 9, 2021

D12 - BEEP - Computer Work Makes Me Tired



Having spent my entire adult work life in Information Technology (IT) and spending the last 19+ years in a Support Desk capacity has meant that at the end of the day at home the last thing I ever wanted to do was anything technical.  That included things like fixing the WiFi connection,  troubleshooting any kind of issues, or figuring out how to install new things like printers or scanners.  Sometimes even learning to use new apps on my tablet or phone was just TOO MUCH.  

On a personal note, several years back about two weeks after I got my new laptop the "7" key popped of, slid across the floor, and was scarfed up and swallowed by the dog....GONE FOREVER!  I spent years typing awkwardly with my laptop getting slower and more painful to use until I basically complained every time I used it.   My husband came to my rescue and provided me with a new laptop.  Problem solved RIGHT?   Or not because as I said above,  the last thing I want to do at home is computer work.   Migrating everything was more than I wanted to do.   Then comes the BIG MOVE and the push that came with that, so I definitely didn't have the time or motivation. 

Fast forward to the first couple weeks of retirement.   Going from constant questions and tons of work to "NOT SO MUCH" took away my excuse for not setting it up.  There is no reason to take two laptops across the country, that would just be silly.   I set up a work area and begin the process which should go quickly.   It becomes obvious that "should be" is the operative word.    The new version of the operating system meant the transfer utility wouldn't work which required downloading a new LARGE software on both machines (did I mention how SSLLOOWW the old machine is).  This wad not a smooth process but an hour later I'm ready to run the utility.   I kick off the utility which proceeds to spend 45 minutes "ANALYZING" before informing me it is ready to transfer the data.   It lets me know the expected time is over an hour and not to have anyone else streaming or using bandwidth during the transfer.   It judges my timing of wanting to do this task by pointing out that MOST PEOPLE do this overnight.   THANKS utility for the judgemental comments.   I verify with my "work from home" husband that the timing over lunch works for him.   Yep he says ....queue image on me clicking the YES button.   True to its guess, 60 minutes later all my data is copied and my new laptop is ready.  Fantastic right,  except now I've forgotten what I wanted to do on a laptop in the first place and honestly I'm tired.  Did I mention being retired?  HA HA

That was my entire morning doing computer work.  And before you ask IF I MISS WORK?   NO!  I do not miss the phone calls,  pages (I hated the beep the PA system made before each one - PTSD), and TONS of emails.   I DO miss being able to help coworkers do their job more efficiently and those moments I felt appreciated for what I did. Retirement is definitely the better GIG 

In the future will you see me setting up a network at home... ha ha ... that's funny.   The most complicated thing I intend to do that is technology-related is the purchase a high-speed high quality scanner for organizing documents and scanning photographs.  However that's more of an organizational necessity and I'm sure I'll hate the setup process.  If the Wi-Fi stops working or any other problems arise with anything technological I'm just turning to my husband.   



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