Well it's just after midnight and I should be sleeping but my mind is racing and sleep is elusive. In less than 9 hours from now we will pull away from the home we've shared and raised our children for the last 22 1/2 years. This last week has been a flurry of activity. It has been full of emotional highs and lows. The highs have been great - spending quality time with my children, signing sales documents, getting a handle on estate issues, seeing our granddog, meeting our new grandcat, and spending time with some good friends. But, the lows have been so very hard that they've been almost crippling. Saying "see you soon" (I hate the word goodbye unless you never intend to see someone again) to my beautiful children was heartbreaking to say the least. They are all so supportive but yet sad at the same time. My final church service with people who have helped me navigate some difficult times felt like my faith safety net was pulled away but I know I'm being obedient. Final lunches with true friends and missing out on a few because time just doesn't allow for it. Hugs with neighbors eho are more like family - we have an amazing street of neighbors! And lastly having to say goodbye and see you on the other side of the rainbow bridge to my 10 year old Bassett Hoover. Her had been living his best spoiled life . Love our furry family members.
My mind tonight is replaying memories that are wonderful and I'm realizing that those live in my heart not a house. New memories are waiting to be made and oppotunities for everyone to grow. Here in Colorado and other parts of the US. While we are closing the door literally and figuratively we are stepping out into a new faith and adventure.
DISCLOSURE: Sleep stopped eluding me as I was writing this and praying so this entry is being finished at 4:45 a.m. It's going to be a long day. More adventures from the road.
Good luck Sis. Wish you all the best on your new adventure. Love you…Debbie